

I love getting feedback about my posts and appreciate any constructive critiques. I'm also always looking for freelance writing opportunities, new blogs to check out, and interesting science and journalism trends for posts. If you have any suggestions for me, I'd love to hear from you. 
I'm happy to answer questions about my writing, this blog, science writing, or grad school. If you'd like to contact me instead of posting a comment feel free to email me at: For those who are interested you can also check out my website, my profiles on LinkedIn and Google+, or follow me on Twitter. I check twitter the most, so if you want to reach me that is by far the best way. 
A note about comments: I reserve the right to moderate comments that I feel don't validly contribute to the discussion. This essentially means I won't allow my blog to be a platform for your rants. If you feel strongly about something and want to comment, that is wonderful and I'm happy to read what you have to say. But if you don't provide supporting evidence for your opinions (studies, other articles, links etc.) I'm probably not going to let you sound off for five paragraphs about how much you disagree with something. That does not mean I will delete all contradictory comments, I just want to know WHY you think what you think.