
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Happened to Amelia Earhart?

Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Bones found on an island in the South Pacific are being tested against surviving members of Amelia Earhart's family to see if the remains could belong to the famous aviator. Earhart disappeared in 1937 during an attempt to become the first woman to fly around the world. Her mysterious disappearance has been the topic of books, movies, and enough speculation to make her a household name - even today.

Along with other artifacts found on the island including makeup and glass bottles, a DNA confirmation that the bones belong to Earhart would finally put to rest the mystery of what happened to her. If the bones are Earhart it would be valid to conclude that her plane crashed, and that she survived as a castaway for some time before dying on the island.

If DNA can give an ending to the story of Amelia Earhart, it will definitely be a win for genetics, and scientific research in general. The question that would be left (at least for me) is what happened to her plane (or her navigator for that matter)?


  1. Keep me updated about this! I am rather intrigued...

  2. The Misnomer: Calling South Seas Trash "Artifacts". Although this article is 2 1/2 years old it just goes to show you that whatever TIGHAR "discovers", "uncovers", accidentally stumbles upon", "photographs" or "intentionally targeted" becomes important, but cannot conclusively be linked to Amelia.

    The TIGHAR sponsors are fools-throwing away money on expeditions to Never Never Land. This is not Science. It's show business.

    WHAT I LEARNED: I learned that smoke and mirrors, great publicity, persuasiveness, and a lot of P.T. Barnum can convince the mass Media, millions on the Web, and even the U.S. State Department that something can be had from nothing..........
