
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Media Consumption 12/31/12-1/5/13

Back to rounding up weekly picks of some of the best/most interesting things I've read in the past week. I hope you'll enjoy them, and feel free to leave me links to your favorites!

Animation by Rose Eveleth for Nature Publishing Group. Found this great video on twitter this week (actually, found all of these links on twitter) about research papers and how a paper comes to be published in a journal like Nature.

Science Pick
Scientists Use Cells to Fold Origami – Joanne Manaster for PsiVid at Scientific American
Short but informative post about the latest in biotechnology for tissue engineering, which is something we’re all going to be hearing more and more about.

Cancer/Medicine Pick
Be Careful in Reporting on Composite Outcomes – Kevin Lomangino for
This post is the most recent in HealthNewReview’s Toolkit and Tips for Understanding Studies, which I think everyone might find helpful. This topic covers how to tell what conclusions should really be drawn from a study about a treatment’s effectiveness.

Writing Pick
Popular blogger Andrew Sullivan announced this week that he is taking his blog independent (not only self published, but no advertisers) this post by Jay Rosen dissects the decision and the gamble that Sullivan is taking by asking his readers to actually pay for his writing.

Bonus Pick
Will Panda Blood Solve The Antibiotic Crisis? Unlikely. – Ed Yong for Not Exactly Rocket Science at National Geographic's new blogging network Phenomena
Mostly chosen because Ed Yong says he’ll eat a panda. Also chosen because it highlights National Geographic’s new blogging network (for which they scored several high profile bloggers, including Yong, from other places) and also tackles an interesting topic that shows the need for critical thinking and debunking in the way that some media outlets cover research.

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